Namaste, iam Jason Bove, Asalam walekum.

What Does Unicorn Mean In Prison? [Solved]

Custody & Care A program that truly works, in every sense of the word. UNICOR is the trade name for Federal Prison Industries (FPI): a wholly owned, self-sustaining Government corporation that sells market-priced services and quality goods made by inmates.

Patronus | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Expecto Patronum!” After traveling back in time Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) must cast a powerful Patronus charm in order to …

See Which Hotels Were Caught Not Changing Bedsheets for New Guests

An Inside Edition investigation found that you might not always be getting clean bedsheets when you stay at a hotel. We visited …

Jim Jefferies - Freedumb - Full Length Official Clip – From Freedumb Netflix Special

Comedian Jim Jefferies talks Freedumb on his Netflix special FREEDUMB. Watch FREEDUMB in-full on Netflix! Like Jim on …