Sup, iam Vanessa Peoples, Don’t miss me too much.

What Does Red Text Mean In Fallout 4? [Solved]

Instead, all persuasion attempts depend entirely on the character’s Charisma and applicable perks, like Ladykiller or Black Widow. Persuasion checks are colored from yellow for easy, orange for difficult, and red for hard.

Fallout 4 - High charisma at the start of the game is the best

Fallout 4

This Is What a “Second-Person” Video Game Would Look Like

Games shown: 0:01 - Painkiller 0:14 - Phantom Dust 1:19 - Refunct 1:28 - Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne 2:17 - Driver: San …

Mixed Messages (Official video)

Gotta send them mixed messages, extended version style. Jump on Spotify, we live! Awesome video by Gabriella Antali …