Namaste, iam Van Meadows, Have an awesome day!

What Does 0 Mean At The Dentist? [Solved]

Code 0 – Healthy gums, no bleeding when probed, no calculus or gingival pockets under 3.5mm. Code 1 – Slight bleeding when probed, no calculus or gingival pockets under 3.5mm. Code 2 – Slight bleeding when probed, Calculus or Plaque present and gingival pockets under 3.5mm.

Why Does A Dentist Need Math? | Westerville Pediatric Dental | Educational Math Videos for Kids


Woman Glues Her Teeth Back In Place To Avoid The Dentist | The Truth About Your Teeth | Tonic

Part one of two.

Why do we have crooked teeth | Dentist Explained (2021)

In this video, we are going to talk about: